Lest We Forget Northwestern

James LytleClass of 1967 Hi, you guys! I have been having a ball reading all the memorable things you guys have been conjuring up. But I am surprised that no one has of yet mentioned the unforgettable ‘Kool Kone’! Now, THAT’S where you could get a really mean ‘slaw dog’. (Hmmm, hard to find those anymore…..} And if you have got too much ketchup on your shirt, you could always take it to ‘Kaye Cleaners’. But so much for ‘fast food’. You know that you can always find a good mess of collards, potatoes, and all kinds of good fresh vegetables on ‘Produce Row’ near downtown. I’ll try to venture back a bit farther. I have vague memories of a Roller-Skating Rink out of Athens Hwy on the site where the old Ball Park was near Butler School when I was knee-high to a duck. {Not like I’m hardly any taller now…….! } lol Of course, I read about Mrs. McCrary. Wow! That’s exciting news that she’s still with us. But when I think of her, I remember that my first encounter with her was when I first entered elementary school at ‘Northwestern Elementary School’ between Mill and Myrtle Street. I believe she was my 3rd-grade teacher before they closed down the school, and she was also the librarian. Hey! Does anyone remember playing in the little ‘Toot Toot’ band at Northwestern Elementary School??? Now, THAT’S where I got my first interest in music!! If I think hard enough, I may come up with some more, so I’ll keep pondering. You guys have brought back some very good memories. Keep it up. I do hope all of this is getting logged down somewhere. Thanks, Debra Hood, for reminding me about Uncle Rufus’ and don’t forget about Aunt Rene’, his wife who helped run this little Mom n’ Pop store for the kids on the hill. Now, for us New Town old timers, I need to remind you about Mrs. Renelle Stevens’s little store. She was giving Mrs. Laura some mean competition with the ice cream. Oooooooo! My favorite there was the ‘Chocolate Ripple’. Debra Hood mentioned the Kiddie Campus #5, but failed to mention that before it became a daycare center, it was originally built to be a nightclub, which functioned during the day and afternoon as a hang-out for the youth who could go there and play the old pinball machines, buy snacks and dance to the old jukebox! Remember that, Debbie??? Hmmm, by George! I think it’s all coming back……………………..!