Making Money
Print one thousand tickets/envelopes numbered 000-999, sell each ticket for $20.00, and base winning tickets on a daily drawing of a state lottery i.e., Ohio. Only Monday thru Friday evening drawing, for example. Choose a month with five Fridays, 1st Friday winner wins a $200.00 gift certificate, 2nd Friday wins a $400.00 gift certificate, 3rd Friday $600.00, 4th Friday $800.00, 5th Friday $1000.00 certificate. If July is used, Wednesday the 1st of the month and the first winner wins a golf putter, Thursday’s winner a DVDPlayer, Friday the $200.00 gift certificate. Monday winner a golf bag. Tuesday winner a ??????. You will need18 prizes plus the gift certificates. If this is implemented, I will purchase five tickets, I would like to reserve numbers 747, 823, plus any three tickets ending with 13. If a number is drawn twice, you win twice. Winning numbers must come in straight. Winners must conform to all Federal, State and Local Laws. FSBHSAA MAINTAINS THE RIGHTS TO ANY UNSOLD TICKETS.I am challenging friends/classmates to 5 tickets. If you are going to donate, try to win one of the prize