What if everybody wrote about their experiences and memories of our culture in Gainesville?
I was talking with Mr Jerry at the barbershop the other, day and we had a nice long talk about the web site. One of the things I mentioned to Jerry was the fact…if all of us would write about our experiences in Gainesville, we would, by default, write the “History of the Black Society of Gainesville/Hall County and surrounding areas.“….”The sums of all the parts would be greater than the whole“…borrowing a thought from Gestalt Psychology. We would inadvertently do something no single one of us could even attempt to accomplish alone. He agreed with me and it’s funny, but we had some of the same ideas. I told him I would speak with John about this because of the far-reaching potential. I can envision a book and maybe a movie…this could inspire someone from the community to make a movie and use people here in Gainesville as the actors. Remember, Tyler Perry is right down the street in Atlanta. You have to have a vision when you talk with me. I see things in a different light…most of the time. I see things as a “finish product.” If we draw from all of us…can’t you see all those different experiences…now put them together, and see what you come up with? I hate to say it, but you heard it first, right here! I’m encouraging everybody to write and do your part. Ask your grandchildren how to get on the computer (yes, I know we all don’t know how, but we can’t use that No. 2 pencil anymore! Smile..). Let me say this, Facebook (a social network on the internet)…is a very good social networking tool that we can use to reach out to others and it’s free!…Let’s take advantage of this technology and put our story, our history in print, just like other groups have done. Our children, one day, will be able to go to a site and see how we grew up and this will help bridge the “gap” between the generations. Some of our children just heard of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but they don’t know the history why? I talk with young people all the time, and I am amazed at how little they know about their ancestors. Integration had a darker side to it, that we now realize, “The death of our contributions to this society “This is why you don’t see any black businesses but the barbershop, women’s hair salon, funeral home (and this is dying, thanks to Young’s and Wimberly & Jackson funeral homes) and the “Black Church”…“We shall overcome…but when…and if we did…NOBODY TOLD ME!“ I can hardly wait until the “book come out in print” We can compile these blogs and edit them for publication and this is another way to generate revenue for the Fair Street/Butler High Reunion. We could sell the book for a price mostly everybody could afford and just think how many copies people would buy. I would love to send one to Oprah and to put on her book club…people in Iowa would buy one! Can you see this? I hope this inspires you all to write and write more often…it’s all good…and none to be refused…because it’s all of our individual experiences…with this being said…”May God Bless all of us!
Rev. Earnest Mason